Her Friend..

The alarm rang. She peered lazily at the room, through her left eye. The sun light lit her dressing table and the endless procession of bottles diaplayed on it. The dust danced in the beams of light. She could hear him sing in the kitchen, or was he chatting away with a friend. She couldn’t tell. She didn’t bother.

The alarm wouldn’t stop ringing. Why couldn’t he just switch it off for her? He knew she wouldn’t get out of bed if she didn’t do it herself. This was their daily routine. He’d never switch off the alarm, even though he’d always wake up before her. Nature was his alarm.

She crawled to the side of the bed. Had this been a weekday, he’d crawl into bed beside, shower her with little kisses till she pushed him away. Those warm eyes would bore into her heart. He was so gentle, so loving. How could she have ever doubted him? How could she have ever doubted his love for her? It was the same, three years ago.

She was shocked out of her skin when her mother told her, that he’d be staying with them. She eyed him suspiciously, from head to foot. There wasn’t much to eye. He was weak, skinny and unattractive. She wouldn’t really care whether he stayed for a few months or a few years, but she would have to share her room WITH HIM! Noooooooo!

After fiddling with the alarm for some ten seconds, she managed to get it to shut up. He stopped talking. He knew she was up. That’s one of the many things she loved about him, always alert, always observant, always curious.

The shower coughed a little spray of muddy water. She stepped out of the way. She could hear him, behind her, in the room, up and about. The first time she saw him, he at quietly in the corner of her living room, waiting for her approval. Her approval didn’t matter at all. No matter how many tantrums she threw, he would still stay, because her mother was the one in charge and the decision was made. She was just a kid. Yet, his eyes looked up to her in expectation, with a silent plea, begging for her approval. The understanding between them was mutual – ‘keep to your side of the room, and there won’t be any bloodshed’.

As time passed by, they grew close. Her mother was transferred to Bangalore, but she couldn’t leave. Hunting for another perfect job was close to impossible. After days of ‘mature discussions’ her mother agreed to leave her behind, on one condition. He would stay with her. It was either him, or Bangalore. With a heavy heart, she agreed. If she had put up with for all this time, what’s a few more years?

She heard the neighbor’s children giggle in the bathroom next door. The neighbors. They never liked him. They spoke about him, discussed him; they disliked him from the bottom of their hearts. However, they never dared to squeak against him, while her mother was in Mumbai. Once she left, the trouble began. Like her, they too expected him to leave when her mother left for Bangalore. There were meetings, discussions and arguments. Finally, she put her foot down. It was none of their business. Anybody who had a problem with him was free to leave. She even offered to help them find an estate agent, if it would put an end to their bickering. They were never bothered again, except for some scornful looks. She figured that they were just jealous.

Through the entire drama, he stayed quiet. He didn’t try to suck up to the neighbors. Neither did he say or do anything to hurt them. He trusted her, and he knew that she would protect him, just like her mother. So what if he didn’t fit in. So what if he was a little different. Everyone is different. Some a little more than others, but in the end, it’s what’s in your heart that matters. His heart was pure gold; always understanding, ever forgiving.

The shower refused to start. She opened the door. He was standing there, staring at her, with all that love in his eyes. ‘Wouldn’t it be great if you could fix things too?’ He barked back, wagging his tail. She knew he was laughing.


krist0ph3r said...

hey nice one!!! i figured it was a dog halfway through, and *had* to scroll down to the end to check :P but i went back and read the whole thing anyway :)

btw i've never heard a dog talk or sing - is this inspired by the dogs in your lane?

Winnie the poohi said...

Agree to kris.. I figured it out too...

Antriksh Satyarthi said...

if i say that i agree with both of the above will that sound repetitive?? or will i'll be acting like a sheep who just follows the flock??

though it kinda looks (i gather it is) inspired by one of jeffery archer's short stories..the ending is much better...

Unknown said...

how come my blog doesnt have these beautiful templates?

My Foot? said...


Poor doggie >_<

Jeffery Archer! Hmm! I feel smartish, but no, not inspired by him.
Thanks for the "nice" ^_^

Because you're not girl enough! :P

workhard said...

It was a dog!!!HAHAHA!!!!

cool piece of work!!!!

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