Fire & Ice was packed! Crazy music, crazy teenagers – ‘Only 21 and above, yeah right!’ The bouncer at the entrance nodded his head at her, ever so slightly - Farzad was still there. She walked up to the bar. Where else could Farzad possibly be! She spotted him at the right hand corner, and began to walk towards him.
As she neared his seat, the sound of the music began to die down. She could barely hear the screaming occupants of the club. Everyone was lost in their own world. Everyone high. Everyone carefree. Everyone completely unaware.
She was just about ten steps away, when it happened. A skinny drunk boy, or so he seemed, of around 25, stumbled his way towards Priyanka. At first, she didn’t notice him. But as he wobbled closed, she could feel his eyes on her. She gasped as the weapon gleaming under his jacket emerged. Gunshots sliced through the air. They missed her, but caught an unsuspecting party goer in the back. Enthusiastic screams now changed to screams of horror and panic. A girl sat petrified on the dance floor, with her boyfriend lying dead in her arms.
...and then blood was spilled.
The poor lovesick young.
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